10 Tips to Achieve and Maintain High Levels of Personal Organization

Achieving a high level of personal organization is key to success.

Individuals who are organized tend to lead a more productive life. They seem to never miss deadlines, are focused, and always finish their work and pick up another project. Organization is important at work, home, and in all facets of life. 

If you’re not an individual with high levels of organization, you can learn to be in a few simple steps. 

1. Establish Set Routines 

Organization doesn’t need to be stressful. Getting in a routine can help establish a solid start and end to each day. Whether you’ve been productive or not throughout the day, a routine can help you start and end each day on top. 

2. Follow a To-Do List

Much like routines, to-do lists can help with the middle of the day lull. Creating a checkmark list helps you focus on the thing you need to complete before the end of the day. 

3. Complete Projects

Leaving tasks without completing them is not reflective of strong organizational skills. Once you’ve started a task, make sure it’s finished to ensure clutter doesn’t develop. 

4. Needs vs. Wants

We’re all guilty of buying things we don’t need. In order to be an organized person, try to adopt a version of a minimalist lifestyle.

Less stuff means easier organization. 

5. Little Goes a Long Way

You don’t need to organize everything day one. Start small to help relieve stress. The reason you can’t stay organized could be too much on your plate.

Start small. 

6. Prioritize Big Jobs

What’s most important? Organized people are focused on prioritizing what should be done now and what can be done later. Get the big things done first. 

7. Stay Fueled

Make sure you’ve eaten enough throughout the day.

Completing a routine and being organized can be sideswiped by an annoying headache. Without energy you won’t be able to focus on personal organization. 

8. Be Prepared for Anything

Whether you need a pen, paper, or anything in between. Being prepared means being organized. The more organized you are the fewer problems could arise.

9. Set Reminders

What are smartphones good for other than surfing the web? Reminders. 

Alarms and reminders are important to help you remember what you need to get done to stay organized. Continue using everything to your advantage. 

10. Practice Makes Perfect

You don’t need to have all the answers. In order to achieve a higher level of personal organization, you need to practice. 

The more you practice good habits the easier consistent organization will be. Focus on all these tips and practice them to the best of your ability. In no time you’ll have achieved strong organizational skills needed to be helpful in every facet of life. 

Answering Yes

To achieve personal organization, you might need a guide. Whether it’s accelerating your business, life, or audience we can help. 

At LiveLifeDriven.com, we are focused on you. Behind the website is Jim Riley who has spent his entire life saying yes. With a focus on marketing, food, and beverage, and more, Riley transitioned into the VP of Public Relations and Events for Ketel One Vodka for nine years. He then sold the company for almost $1 billion.

Over the years, Riley has been at the head of future business endeavors. LiveLifeDriven is focused on getting the answer to be yes for you like it was for Riley.

Continue reading today and make a difference in your life by saying a simple, “yes”. 


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