Advice for Workaholics: 5 Simple Ways to Avoid Career Burnout

As a workaholic, you probably think you may never experience career burnout. But of course, this could not be further from the truth. Eventually, the workaholic will feel exhausted from their career and endless working. Luckily, there are ways to avoid burnout.

Career Burnout

No matter how much you enjoy your work, you will want to know how to avoid burnout. Here are 5 Simple Ways to Avoid Career Burnout:

1. Take a Break

This may seem obvious, but you must organize breaks in between your workflow. Organize them and be disciplined with them. For example:

  • Meals: Take 30 minutes to 1-hour meal breaks and do not work while eating. Focus entirely on your meal. And of course, make sure your meals are healthy and your workspace is prepared for a nice lunch.
  • Short breaks: Time short breaks, 15 to 20 minutes long after long periods of work. Perhaps every two hours you should stop your work and take these breaks. Go for a walk or even meditate.

2. Socialize Outside of Work

If workaholics are accused of anything it is that they do not socialize outside of work. They spend more time with their colleagues than with their friends. Make sure you take the time to go out with your friends. Whether this is going out for a meal during your lunch break, going out to the movies, or something very energetic like dancing - make sure you spend time with others who share interests other than your work.

3. Delegate Your Tasks

This may not work for every scenario, but delegating certain tasks not only frees up your time but reduces your stress. The less your burden the less weight you feel on your shoulders. If you have an assistant or secretary, maybe they can make you a cup of coffee instead of you getting it for yourself. Maybe you can hire an assistant for more administrative tasks which cut into your larger projects. The more you free your time and your burden, the greater your chance of preventing burnout.

4. Plan Your Time

Often workaholics are disciplined with their work but not with their time. You need to plan your work schedule. This ranges from deciding your work hours; so instead of waking up early and finishing late, decide a certain range of hours to work and stick within those hours. Make sure your company's ideas and goals are properly organized. If you are detailed with your goals and follow specific steps, you will see how this can avoid burnout. 

5. Health Is Wealth

Lastly, but just as important, is the maintenance of your health. You need to make sure you are exercising regularly to maintain physical health. Even if you are glued to a desk for work, a physically unfit body does negatively affect your work life. Taking time to rest your mind, such as through meditation, is great for your mental health and reduces your stress. When you need to exercise your mind, read a book or engage in a fascinating discussion; your work should not be the only thing that exercises your mind.

Work Smarter

To avoid career burnout you must combine working smart with working hard. Proper maintenance of your health, a detailed schedule, and smart work decisions will increase your productivity without taking its toll on your wellbeing.

Be sure to read more great articles on how to run your work life successfully!


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