How To Stay Driven in Business

Staying driven in business doesn't just happen by accident.

The most successful people in any field have a process that keeps them locked in, engaged, and motivated throughout their career. Below we'll dive into a few universal strategies that you can apply right now.

1. Read Literature That Teaches and Motivates You

Your thought life is shaped a lot by the media that you take in. If you want to shape your mind into one that achieves and attracts success, start reading books that inspire and teach you.

By taking in more motivation and knowledge each day, you will learn some of the most applicable information from some of the most successful people.

Read books, listen to audiobooks and become a sponge for information.

Then, most importantly — take action. Seriously. It doesn't make sense to get all of this knowledge if you aren't going to apply it.

Balance your reading by making an agreement to yourself that if you're not applying what you learned, you're going to put the books down and take more action.

Time on task and getting early failures out of the way is the best way to kill analysis paralysis so that you can be successful in business.

2. Push Yourself Physically and Eat Like a Champ

Think of yourself like a $200,000 sports car. You wouldn't put just any gas or fluid in the car, would you?

Well, you're worth way more than that car and so is your business, so watch how you fuel yourself also.

Eat hearty meals packed with green nutrients and essentials, and look into superfoods like reishi mushrooms that can stimulate and enhance cognitive activity and focus.

Taking care of yourself in this manner means you'll have more energy and will get sick less also, which is a must for a business person.

You'll need to get physically active as well — especially if you sit behind a desk or in traffic much of the day. Strive to get in shape and push yourself a little more each day so that you can be strong and fit for the rest of your life.

This will help you manage the stress of business and life with no problem.

3. Strengthen Your Circle

Go to your phone.

Who were the last five people you texted? What'd you talk about? For how long?

There's no right or wrong answer, but that answer will tell you a lot about where you are and where you're headed.

You should be surrounding yourself with people are as equally as motivated and wanting to improve as you are. Hold each other accountable and push it other to reach your goals.

Since we all have 24 hours in a day, don't waste them with people who drain you or don't add anything to your life.

4. Journal and Plan More Deliberately

Something as simple as writing things out makes them so much easier to deal with.

Some of the most brilliant people throughout history journaled as if their lives depended on it. When you journal, you decompress these issues from your brain and body.

Also, seeing things on the page can take the bite out of problems that you're fearful of, and give you the courage to believe in little ideas that can become big.

We all have countless thoughts each day, so being able to get at least a few of them on the page can be incredibly therapeutic.

5. Determine and Stick to Your Core Values

Finally, let your mission and your integrity be your road map.

Create a standard and don't deviate from it no matter what. It's also easier to stay inspired when you're operating in the name of a cause or a value, as opposed to getting swept up in every twist and turn.

Study and Apply These Tips on How to Stay Driven in Business

When you use these tips, you'll be able to thrive as a professional. Staying driven in business requires some conscious effort. Use these tips as your roadmap.

If you're looking for life coaching, speaking or consulting — I'm your guy. Take a moment to get in touch and I'd be happy to speak to you further.


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